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You probably know that India is the only country in the world where superstitions are considered the most. But today I am going to tell you the real logic behind the "5"most popular superstitions in india. Cat crossing your path . All of you must have heard that this path has crossed by a cat and we should not go beyond it. But the real reason behind is that in olden times if a man was going to cross the jungle with his Bullock cart at night and if a wild cat walked in front of him, than the animal driving that cart was afraid after seeing the eyes of cat because generally cats eye glows in the night. And the animal of the Bullock cart stops and don't go beyond it. And with time people are starting to feel that it's a bad omen if a cat cuts their way. Hanging lemon and seven green chillies in front of shops and business places. Now you must have seen this thing somewhere that lemon and chillies are hanging in front of any house or place of business. Superstition sa...
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